Monday, January 10, 2011

The Big Whopper and "If I dont' eat, I pass out" and other musings

This will be in list form. You know, to cut down on time and length. Ya right, but I'll do my best.

1. I learned something. Before you say anything, everyone will assume you are a whiny bitch. Granted, I can be. Not gonna lie. But all I need is a quick ear. But no. EVEN FAMILY, my own mother and sister!! Traitors. They think I'm manipulating things because I'm pregnant. Or they say so jokingly. Well fuck them. I haven't done such a thing. AND I resent it. A LOT. I'll tell them that, if I can get thru it without crying. I think this is razing for joining the club of pregnantdom. I'll allow it, for now.

2. I got severely car sick last night while Kris was driving. Why didn't I drive? I don't care to think about it. I wanted to sleep or read. Instead I got in a fight with Kris, or a non-fight, because he later admitted to flying over the handle. He freaked. I said I felt sick and needed to puke. He doesn't quite know what cool, calm and collected is just yet. I let it go, except for the part where he parked really far away from the Burger King like I was supposed to see if I could hold the puke in as I ran across the parking lot. He didn't mean it that way but he's lucky he isn't murdered. No, puking wasn't that bad or anything like I thought nausea would be. I was dehydrated already, overfull, severely constipated. I just needed to drink water but my body was rejecting it. I gave up some of my very small turkey dinner. But I was really feeling the dehydration. I prayed to god last night that he let me poop. And he did grant that pray both last night and this morning, so I felt much... clearer headed.

3. Which leads me to my last thought, if I don't eat I won't get constipated. Right? Ok I gave that up part way thru the day, but I do feel like detoxing after the weekend. So yogurt, berries, and grape nuts for breakfast. Some ginger tea. A half of an english muffin with peanut butter. More tea. And a small couscous, chicken, veggie quesedilla. I know I'm supposed to get 300 extra calories per day. Today. I was sick thinking about how full I'd gotten this weekend. So I ate when I felt hungry- which also can pass for fainting and dizziness these days. Still every few hours but back to my eating small meals no matter what! I feel much better because I am actually getting liquids because there is enough room in my tummy!

So this week will be about trying to continue to eat well and making dinners. See now if I plan to make meals and really start thinking about how awesome they'll be appealing to me. I just ate leftovers, so I know it's possible to eat them and enjoy them and not be grossed out. Also, food for dinner needs to be bought and I need to make dinner at an especially early hour in the day because night time meals are out of the question anymore. I feel lousy lousy at night time. I think I should just sleep instead.

Menu Monday

Monday: not sure
Tuesday: Chicken noodle soup!
Wednesday: Meatloaf and oven potatoes
Thursday: Left overs
Friday: Mini pizzas on english muffins with salad
Saturday: Homemade chipotle burritos, rice, pico de gallo

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